Welcome to the 2021 Spring One Room Challenge Week 6
Hello design lovers and gurus. This week was difficult. It was probably the hardest week of all so far. I wasn’t feeling all that well for one thing. I had a ton of problems with a root canal. Fun and lovely right? On top of all the challenges, I faced antibiotics which were supposed to help played a role in the drama as well. At the end of it all, we managed to trudge through the renovation block. However, the feat wasn’t accomplished without difficulties.
So what does one do when faced with the Impossible? Well, we go shopping of course. That’s exactly what I did. The design needs the little frilly things right? The flowers and shelf liners and curtain pullbacks weren’t going to find their way into my kitchen by themselves.
The adventure in finding the perfect storage bins, plants, wallpaper, and shelving liner started out at the hardware stores. With the Fitbit fully charged and ready to go, I trudged out into the weekend wild. I had no clue of what kind of plants I would find. However, I knew that I needed three of them. I also wanted to find grasses as that is the new heart of Bohemian design. I particularly wanted to find different size greenery to provide adequate warmth and contrast in my dark design. I needed a plant for my beautiful new shelving, one for the floor, and something in between those two.
My adventure took me from the hardware stores to my local At Home and HomeGoods. I also stopped off at World Market because they have some of the most exotic items in the home decor game. I had no luck finding realistic faux greenery at the hardware stores. No surprise there, right?
If I had been looking for live plants then perhaps I would have had more luck. However, unless you’ve been living under a design rock then you probably know that faux plants have come a long way. My plan for the future is to use a mixture of live and faux plants. For this project, I’m going with all faux plants since this is the kitchen and I prefer not to have live plants in the room. This is totally my personal preference. I’ve always been a big advocate for the silk plant as you know if you’ve been following my blog Live Well Be Fabulous.
After about five hours of frustration shopping and no progress, I finally found the one. A plant by one of my favorite designers, Hilton Carter. Target turned out to be the one go figure. The second plant was a cute arrangement of faux succulents in the perfect flower pot. I found this little gem in World Market’s clearance section. Score number two. Number three however still hasn’t happened. I have faith that the third plant will show up in my life before the reveal day happens next week.
Now that the plants had been taken care of, I moved on to the last portion of my adventure… Finding storage bins. I needed the perfect size for my beautiful new shelves. The dimensions couldn’t be any longer than 12 inches or any wider than 7 inches. This task turned out to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Since week 6 had been all about overcoming difficulties, I was prepared for this new obstacle. I took my time and traveled around 3 cities and wound back up where I started… at HomeGoods.
They had every single storage bin you could imagine and then some. I was in storage bin heaven. I found the exact colors that I needed and made a mental note to come back for more. I can’t wait to use these pretty little babies during the decoration phase aka the reveal.
Overall week 6 wasn’t the most frustrating design dilemma I had faced, but it came pretty darn close. I’m still not sure if we’re going to make it to the finish line. There are so many aspects and elements to this project. I underestimated the scope so very much that it’s not even funny.
Will we make it to the reveal with all of our ambitious design elements intact? I guess we will see.