Welcome to the 2021 Spring One Room Challenge Week 2

We’ve made it to week two of our 25k jewel box makeover and I must say I’m excited to see how the edesign I created is finally coming to life.

This week was all about the color! If you’ve followed along on my blogs and Instagram posts over the last six years then you’ll know that my design style leans towards the dark and moody. The official design term would be Haute Bohemian. So how do you bring the uniqueness of an exotic sense of inky mood and free-spirited travel into a kitchen design? Well, that’s where your edesign plan comes into play.

For this round of the ORC, I chose to refresh my kitchen. You can read about the backstop behind my decision in last week’s post. To come up with a viable plan that would not only look great on the IG but also tackle functionality in our space, I used the same edesign process that my clients also have the privilege of receiving.

Edesign presents a convenient way of viewing your plan before the first stroke of paint goes up on the wall. You can change the plan and make as many color mistakes as possible without worrying about breaking the bank. Take a look at the 4k rendered plan for my final kitchen design.

The look changed many times before I settled on the current color scheme. Having the ability to go back to these images and tweak certain elements in the plan, I was able to understand what I needed to include in my design and the elements that could be left out.

The result turned out to be a kitchen filled with moody intrigue that I can’t wait to finish and use. Furthermore, I found the ability to create a specific budget easier to manage since I’d already created the final plan.

Let’s take a walk through my kitchen design. The way my kitchen is structured means the base paint color I chose had to play along well with the living room since the longest wall runs continuously along the full length of both the kitchen and the living room. I went with Raisin, a reddish brown-based neutral that looks good with every single color in the book. No kidding. I love this color and can see myself being happy with it on my wall for years to come.

The laminate countertops will get an epoxy treatment that brings a great deal of glam into the plan via a black speckled stone treatment. At this time I’m choosing between the black galaxy version by Stone Countertops or the granite treatment from Home Depot. Stay tuned for further details on this project in the next couple of weeks.

The cabinets proved to be a bit tougher. I wanted a shade that played along well with the style While remaining timeless in its design style. After many trips to Sherwin Williams (sample jars are amazing btw), I finally settled on a pretty mid-tone brown appropriately called Portobello.

The ceiling will be treated with Urbane Bronze, another neutral that looks good with anything under the sun, including skin tones.

I’m stoked about the final color plan as this scheme was a personal choice that required a great deal of advance planning. A scheme that wouldn’t have come together as easily had it not been for the ability to visualize the plan before getting started.

Tune in next week for part 3 of the 2021 Spring One Room challenge as we begin applying this scheme to our walls. Don’t forget to follow along each week to see the progress of each of the Featured Designers and Guest Participants!

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